Specialized Technical Services

Low Delta-T Rehabilitation Assessment and Execution Management

Rehabilitate your existing facilities & ensure that your current assets are functioning optimally & that you are getting your money’s worth



District cooling is a system that distributes cooling capacity in the form of chilled water or other medium from a central source to multiple buildings through a network of underground pipes for use in space & process cooling. It is an environmentally friendly, energy-saving, and economical cooling method. The cooling is centrally produced and distributed as cold water to each building through a closed distribution net.​


Facts and Numbers

minimum recommended chilled water temperature difference at the demand side
increase in chiller plant energy consumption due to Low Delta-T Syndrome

How We Help

We carry out highly specialized assessment to analyze root causes behind Low Delta-T syndrome, provide & validate a rehabilitation roadmap, source funding, manage execution, & monitor & report performance with a feedback loop to create positive change




Upon project completion, buildings shall witness considerable O&M costs, eliminated Delta-T surcharges, and improved comfort levels among tenants. Amongst other aspects, the following would be guaranteed benefits in dealing with the Low-Delta T Syndrome

Reduce Delta-T surcharges
By 90-100% for buildings connected to District Cooling Plants
Immediate detection of faulty HVAC systems
Within the tenant spaces and take remedial actions
Provide 3rd party financing
With risk-free performance-based repayment through shared savings
Improve comfort levels
For occupants through a more balanced chilled water network
Ensure highest standards of equipment
Through data monitoring and healthy O&M practices
Reduce CO2 emissions
Through a lower chiller and pump consumption