Measurement & Verification

M&V Option A in Energy Efficiency Retrofit Projects

Understand M&V option A approach

M&V Option A in Energy Efficiency Retrofit Projects

M&V Option A, also known as the Isolation Retrofit Approach, focuses on measuring key performance parameters that significantly affect energy usage while estimating other less significant parameters. This method is used when it is feasible to directly measure the major contributors to energy savings but not practical or necessary to measure all energy parameters feasible. Key features:

Baseline Development


This involves analyzing historical energy consumption data before the retrofit to develop a baseline that accurately represents the consumption of key parameter prior to the retrofit

Data Collection

Main source of data is direct measurement of the energy consumption or performance metrics of the key parameter (e.g., equipment) affected by the energy-saving measures. Different data sources can be direct metering, data loggers, and BMS. Another source can be equipment rating or historical data manufacturer specifications

Measured / Assumed Variables

Measured or assumed variables include factors that influence facility energy consumption or demand. In Option A, variables can be operational hours, occupancy levels, and production rate

Routine Adjustments

Routine adjustments are generally not a central feature, as the primary focus is on measuring key parameters and estimating other less significant parameters

Non-Routine Adjustments


Refer to adjustments made to the baseline energy consumption to account for significant, unexpected changes that affect energy usage. Unlike routine adjustments, which address predictable and recurring variations, non-routine adjustments are necessary for changes that are irregular and not part of normal operations

Energy Savings Calculation

Baseline Energy Consumption ± Routine Adj. ± Non−Rotuine Adj. − Reporting Energy Consumtpion "Baseline Energy Consumption " ("±" )" Routine Adj. " ("±" )" Non-Rotuine Adj. " ("-" )" Reporting Energy Consumtpion "


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